I am so relieved and happy to have found Harley’s Corner!!! This Hypoallergenic meal has been a lifesaver for Chi-chi, my beloved 13-year-old. In the past, she has faced problems with digestion due to poultry allergy (since last 4 years). She had been used to eating fresh home cooked meals up to that point but when she fell sick, we had to go with the conventional mass produced hypoallergenic meals for her which we weren’t happy about because of preservative levels and boredom for her getting the same meal every day. Now, with Harley’s Corner, she gets to enjoy her daily meals and even looks forward to them excitedly again. And the best part, her tummy has handled the change to HC quickly and really well. Thank you to Ishmeet and the team at HC! We are eternally grateful to have your food as an option for our little one. Being human grade, I’ve tasted it myself and I can see why she loves it.